Covers Covers Covers!! During Week Four, our students had the chances to create their Book Covers with their Tutors through the Kindle Direct Publishing Platform! They were so creative with creating their covers on the platform. Each student had a different cover photo to display what their books were about, and some students even drew pictures for their cover photo!

Week Four was also really fun because all of our students were dressed in their Halloween Costumes to celebrate the holiday!
Here is a photo of Student Hayat with one of her Tutors, Ruhi!
When asking Hayat what her favorite part of writing a book was, she said:
"It being published and people reading it!"
Next week, Hayat and the rest of our students will finish writing their stories and have the opportunity to publish their books... becoming true, Published Authors!
Written by Elea Abisamra
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The kids are doing a great job with the books and their costumes!