Our Team & History
I remember writing stories in first grade and second grade — I used to print out pictures of Mickey Mouse characters, gluing them on papers and making my own plot with them. My books were stapled and composed with my sloppy handwriting, but they were stories that I was creating. I know that many children have done the same thing, wishing their final work could have professional binding instead of paper clips or staples. My mom’s friend, Noelle Jesmer, published her own book when I was in the third grade through a website called CreateSpace (now known as Kindle Direct Publishing), and showed me that it was, surprisingly, a free and simple process. I ended up publishing a story I wrote in the third grade two years later, and the day I got my first check from people who bought my book was the craziest day of my life. It was such a thrilling and odd feeling knowing that people were paying to read my stories. I felt like I was already accomplished and a professional. That day was the moment I created the first Kids Can Write website in 2013, and realized I wanted all children to have the same opportunity I did.
Presently, I am an Honors College Junior at Virginia Tech majoring in Cognitive & Behavioral Neuroscience and minoring in Chemistry and Creative Writing. During my free time, I like to go on walks and read, spend time with my friends and family, and write as many stories as I can. I created this organization to give back to communities and give kids a chance to explore different fields as they work to become Published Authors.
Your creativity can take you to great places if you let it — to new worlds and dimensions, to solutions and questions, to any point in time where anything can be, and we're here to help you along your journey.
Welcome to Kids Can Write!
Board of Advisors

Timeline of KCW
Kids Can Write was an idea first created in 2013 by Elea-Maria Abisamra after she self-published her own book that she wrote in the third grade. The concept of Kids Can Write was to help kids with a passion like she had to self-publish their own books, too!
After arriving at Virginia Tech University as a freshman, almost a decade later, in Fall 2021, Elea realized she could turn this dream into a reality by creating Kids Can Write's very first Chapter at Virginia Tech as a Student Run Organization on campus.
Since June 2022, Kids Can Write Club At Virginia Tech has been founded and running, consisting of determined and passionate students at Virginia Tech!
In January 2023, another chapter for the regular program was created at George Mason University. Kids Can Write has also branched into more programs, such as our Neuroscience Program currently available in Blacksburg, and an Entrepreneurship Program available online! Kids Can Write has also expanded to underserved communities in the Middle East, and is provided as a program in hospitals along the East Coast for cancer patients. We are now also in collaboration with the Blacksburg Refugee Partnership.